I'm no expert, but these three magazines seem to be the best; Kodansha's Afternoon, Shueisha's Ultra Jump, and Shogakukan's Ikki. There are also weekly magazines, but let's stick with the monthlies for now.
One of my favorite mangaka is Daisuke Igarashi. He's probably best know in the states for Children of the Sea. Anyway, his work (and for a while Matsumoto Taiyo's too) is published in Ikki. I bought the issue you see above because it has what looks like a new series by him. Unfortunately he just did that cover and a poster... No story yet. A giant advertisement... I felt duped. But it wasn't a total loss. There was some pretty strange cool stuff (see below) by a guy named Murai.
Ultra Jump is also pretty consistently good. Right now Cloth Road by okama and Dogs by Shirow Miwa stand out to me.
ウルトラジャンプにも期待できる。今、OKAMAが描いているCLOTH ROADと三輪士郎のDOGSが目立つ。
...and finally there is Afternoon. This has one of my favorite comics, Hiroaki Samura's Blade of the Immortal. It also has another one of my favorite mangaka's latest work. Tsutomu Nihei's Knights of Sidonia.